Women and Law: (Re)Building Democracy and Justice

Tuesday, 12 July 2016: 14:15
Location: Seminarsaal 20 (Juridicum)
Oral Presentation
Lucia Maria BRITO DE OLIVEIRA, University of Brasilia, Brazil

                     The process of (re) democratization in many parts of the Americas was a long, painful and non linear experience in which the regional and local legal bodies had and have a fundamental role in empowering all human beings, in deepening the democratic institutions and practices and in underlining the role of Law as a motor to enlarge rights and not a tool to diminish them. This struggle to have Democracy as a daily practice and not a noun without content is not linked to age, gender or any other aspect. If one analyses three paradigmatic cases in the Americas that showed the fundamental role that women had in the History of the American continent (case Mirna Mack Chang versus Guatemala (InterAmerican Court of Human Rights), case Maria da Penha Fernandes (Brazil - InterAmerican Commission of Human Rights) and case Claudia Poblete (Argentinan legal system)), it will be clear that the roots from Democracy start at home, in the streets and in political and social institutions.
                       These cases among many other showed the synergy that exists among the InterAmerican Court, the InterAmerican Commission fo Human Rights and many national legal systems allowing  the possibility of enlarging the concepts and deepening the perspectives about Law and Justice in societies marked by a not empowerement of women.