Comparative Analysis of Labor Market Segmentation Between Argentina and Spain

Thursday, 14 July 2016
Location: Hörsaal 30 (Main Building)
Distributed Paper
Pedro LOPEZ-ROLDAN, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain
The perspective of labour market segmentation, from different theoretical models (Neo-institutionalists, Marxists, Cambridge School, and Orthodox approach) has proposed a structural explanation about how labour markets works. With different theoretical foundations and proposals for operationalizing, labour market is conceptualized from a multidimensional perspective of factors that affect the configuration of various segments of work and employment.

Starting from a non-orthodox perspective we present results of a research which combine two international projects: an Argentinian Project from CONICET Institution and a European Project (INCASI: International Network for Comparative Analysis of Social Inequalities between Europe and Latin America) from European Commission.  We have three main objectives: the construction of a model of analysis for comparative study of Spain and Argentina’s cases; to propose a methodology for measuring labour market segmentation using multivariate techniques, and to analyse, in a comparative perspective, the labour market in each country seeking, in particular, to echo the debate on the devaluation of qualifications: is it gives more in Argentina or Spain?

We work with the official data from the Labour Force Survey in the case of Spain and the Permanent Household Survey in the case of Argentina, referring to 2014. Our methodological approach, we call structural and articulated typology, has a design of analysis where multiple correspondence analysis and cluster analysis are combined.

Despite the different levels of development and socio-economic and historical realities of both countries, the results allow us to state that Argentina and Spain share the same general logic of structuring the labour market in terms of segmentation. Additionally, regarding the alleged devaluation of qualifications in Argentina, we would have to question it. In any case it is higher in Spain and focuses on the youngest persons in the initial stage of the employment trajectories.