Cultural Sponsorship and the Info-Communication Industry:
The “Code of Digital Transactions” and the “Info-Communication Payment System”.
Cultural Sponsorship and the Info-Communication Industry:
The “Code of Digital Transactions” and the “Info-Communication Payment System”.
Tuesday, 12 July 2016: 09:00
Location: Seminarraum 5C G (Neues Institutsgebäude (NIG))
Oral Presentation
The Info-communication industry is “changing everything” in our traditional sponsorship payment systems. The digital technology together with the big data has radically challenged how cultural organizations, banks and cultural sponsorship systems manage their everyday business activities. Digital payment platforms have changed how cultural sponsorship operates, tax payment systems develop, and governments function in the recent cultural, humanitarian and economic crisis. Mobile contactless payments together with plastic credit, debit cards and digital currencies are the main drivers to develop the info-communication regulation in the Greek cultural sponsorship system. Both mobile phones, as “digital wallets”, and cloud-computing networks have introduced digital payment systems in cultural sponsorship fee market economies. The purpose of this paper is to examine the digital tax payment culture and the info-communication regulation in cultural sponsorship systems both globally and locally. It analyses the role of ‘Digital Tax Payment Culture” (D.T.P.C) in sponsorship markets. It describes the cultural sponsorship crisis and explains why the Greek law 3525/2007 for cultural sponsorship should be revised in order to encourage investment in Greece. With this context, it focuses briefly on the multicultural payment model "Code of Digital Transactions" (CO.D.TRA) in Greece and Europe. Finally, it proposes the "Info-communication Payment System" (ICPS) as a new digital platform to introduce the multicultural payment model CO.D.TRA as a practical way for developing cultural sponsorship as a vital investment activity in recent cultural, humanitarian and economic crisis.