Migrants' Languages: Assets or Liabilities? an Empirical Study of a Russian-Speaking Community in Tarragona, Spain
Languages of one country can be seen as assets of that country. It does not matter whether these languages are local or brought from abroad: each of them can contribute to the general well-being. In our research, it is obvious that Russian (the language shared by all of our respondents) is an asset rather than a liability. Since Russia entered the lists of emerging economies, there is high demand of people who can handle intercultural relations: translators, interpreters, multilingual professionals in all spheres that do not need any specific training in that language. This in conditions of monolingualism would suppose certain monetary investment. If it is so clear that languages are assets and not liabilities, how can they be better employed? Will that usage result in higher prestige of migrants’ language and culture that will consequently lead to higher level of social cohesion?