A World without Aids: eliminating the Pandemic through Improved Global Access to HIV/AIDS Prevention,Treatment,Care and Stigma Reduction Programs
A World without Aids: eliminating the Pandemic through Improved Global Access to HIV/AIDS Prevention,Treatment,Care and Stigma Reduction Programs
Wednesday, 13 July 2016: 14:15-15:45
Location: Hörsaal 6B P (Neues Institutsgebäude (NIG))
RC49 Mental Health and Illness (host committee) Language: English and French
Since 2006 there has been universal acceptance in both the developing and developed world that HIV treatment and related services, including mental health counseling, intervention, and stigma reduction, be available to all. Similarly, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized mental health as a basic human right and a principal objective of all nations healthcare systems (WHO, 2005). Despite widespread agreement on these principles, and advances in HIV/AIDS and Mental Illness treatment, enormous disparities in access to healthcare services in these areas (including prevention and stigma reduction) exist between the Global South and the northern hemisphere.
This session invites submissions on HIV and mental health including stigma, advances in prevention, mental health service needs of HIV-positive people and their service providers, and North/Global South disparities in treatment and mental health services for persons who are infected with HIV. Research on programs seeking to improve service access in these areas is especially welcome.
Session Organizer: