How Can the Insights from Other Disciplines Enhance Sociological Research on Migration

Wednesday, 13 July 2016: 16:00-17:30
Location: Hörsaal 07 (Main Building)
RC31 Sociology of Migration (host committee)

Language: English

We are repeatedly reminded about the advantages of interdisciplinary approaches to the study of international migration, yet most of us unself-reflexively continue to pursue our research in our set, field-specific ways.
The purpose of this session is to provide concrete illustrations of the gains we can derive from applying to the sociological study of migration the specific concepts, interpretative frameworks, research methods and/or empirical findings used as heuristic guideposts taken from other disciplines: political science, history, geography, psychology, literary studies, etc.
Session Organizer:
Ewa MORAWSKA, University of Essex, United Kingdom
International Student Migration and the Field Theory of Kurt Lewin
Georg MUELLER, Univ. of Fribourg, Switzerland
Drawing on Interdisciplinary Perspectives to Understand Immigrant Mental Health
Magdalena SZAFLARSKI, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA; Lisa A. CUBBINS, Battelle Health & Analytics, USA
Tracing the Diasporic Condition—an Interdisciplinary Analysis of Identity-Formation within the Bosnian Diasporas in Vienna
Angelika FRUHWIRTH, University of Vienna, Austria; Ana MIJIC, University of Vienna, Austria
Sociology, Political Science, and Immigration Studies
Peter KIVISTO, Augustana College Univ Trento and St Petersburg State University, USA