Lawyers in Society – Comparative Perspectives
Lawyers in Society – Comparative Perspectives
Monday, 11 July 2016: 10:45-12:15
Location: Seminarsaal 20 (Juridicum)
RC12 Sociology of Law (host committee) Language: English
Almost 30 years ago, Richard Abel and Philip Lewis published their three-volume Lawyers in Society. The project analysed lawyers comparatively, their histories and status by including issues such as gender, class, education, the state and lawyers’ relation to the market in both common law and civil law countries and it offered different approaches to understand lawyers.
Since their publication globalisation and neoliberal structures have affected lawyers’ work, organisation, education and demography. At one level, legal expertise and legal services become global, at another level transnational legal institutions and law develop and require new forms of legal expertise, while at a national level populations still need legal services.
How do globalization and neoliberal structures affect lawyers in different nation-states in terms of their work, specialization, stratification? How do lawyers and legal education produce expertise and legal products for new national and international markets? This session will deal with such emerging questions.
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