Welfare and Civil Society: The Role of Religion

Sunday, 10 July 2016: 10:45-12:15
Location: Hörsaal 42 (Main Building)
RC22 Sociology of Religion (host committee)

Language: English

In addressing issues of social inequality politicians and policymakers across the world are increasingly talking about religion, not least in the sense of calling on faith-based organisations to play an active role as welfare providers as part of civil society. At the same time religious groups and organizations struggle with the impact that an increased cooperation with public authorities can have on identity, theology and potential to act as critic of the system.
This session invites papers which address these pertinent issues. Contributions may address evidence from empirical research and/or theoretical reflection on issues of faith-based organisations as welfare providers or challengers of value systems in welfare, individual religiosity in the encounter with welfare services, faith-based organisations as actors in civil society in the welfare arena or other related issues.
Session Organizer:
Per PETTERSSON, Karlstad University, Sweden
Afe ADOGAME, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
"Work As Unto the Lord:" Enhancing “Employability” in a Faith-Based Job-Readiness Program
Gretchen PURSER, Syracuse University, USA; Brian HENNIGAN, Syracuse University, USA
Taking Advantage of the Context: The Manifold Roles of Catholic Chaplains in Public Institutions in Spain
Julia MARTINEZ-ARINO, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Germany; Mar GRIERA, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
Don't Ask What Your Nation Can Do for You… Welfare State Attitudes and Individual Religiousness
Annette SCHNABEL, Heinrich-Heine-Universitaet Dueseldorf, Germany
The Catholic Church As an Actor of Neoliberal Changes in Education
Miroslav TIZIK, Institute for Sociology of Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia
Exploring Child-Focussed Welfare Provision By Evangelical Christians
Sylvia MEICHSNER, University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom