Language Diversity and Social Cohesion II
Language Diversity and Social Cohesion II
Monday, 11 July 2016: 10:45-12:15
Location: Hörsaal 4A KS (Neues Institutsgebäude (NIG))
RC25 Language and Society (host committee) Language: Spanish and English
The situations of language contact in the information age are the norm rather than the exception. But the fact remains that the skills acquired, the uses and the symbolism of languages confer different capitals to their speakers. These capitals directly affect social cohesion in a broad sense, as they can turn into axes of social stratification. Such situations range from linguistic integration of migrants in the host societies to linguistically asymmetric scenarios in which speakers of minority languages are at a disadvantage with respect to access to resources.
This regular session addresses issues that combine the analysis of situations of linguistic diversity and their challenges and potential as catalyst or hindrance of social cohesion. From a broad perspective, it includes how language skills, uses or symbolic aspects affect the generation of social inequalities and/or social cohesion in different groups.
Session Organizer: