Anomie and Alienation Theories Revisited

Monday, 11 July 2016: 14:15-15:45
Location: Seminar 34 (Juridicum)
RC36 Alienation Theory and Research (host committee)

Language: English

Anomie and alienation are constantly linked in sociological and socio-psychological research. However, with a few exceptions like Shoham’s book (1982), their relationship is usually neglected. In empirical research, anomie is usually operationalized as normlessness and is treated with a number of other indicators like powerlessness, meaninglessness, social isolation, and in others cases as an indicator of alienation (Dean, 1961; Middleton, 1963). However, some scientists view the same range of indicators as a measurement of anomie (Austin and Stack, 1988; Huschka and Mau, 2006). However, the authors provide neither theoretical reasons nor empirical evidence for why they interpret the instrument in this way or the other. 
All these considerations depart considerably from the original theories – alienation by K. Marx and anomie by E. Durkheim. Ph. Besnard (1988) claimed that some reason for the uncertainty of the two concepts relationship lies in Durkheim’s work The Division of Labor in Society: when describing anomie as one of the abnormal labor division types, Durkheim also addressed the worker’s alienation in an overspecialized task. 
Of interest would be papers addressing the nature of the relations between the two concepts. Both theoretical and empirical contributions regarding classical and more recent anomie and alienation theories are welcome.
Session Organizer:
Ekaterina LYTKINA, National Research University Higher School of Economics Laboratory for Comparative Social Research, Russia
Alienation: Past, Present and Future
Lauren LANGMAN, Loyola University, USA; Devorah KALEKIN-FISHMAN, Univeristy of Haifa, Israel
The Automaton Society: On the Relation Between Anomie and Alienation
Michael THOMPSON, William Paterson University, USA
Alienation, Anomie and Fatalism: Durkheim Revisited
Kornelia SAMMET, University of Bielefeld, Germany; Franz ERHARD, University of Leipzig, Germany
Rethinking Durkheim's Social Regulation. Theoretical Reconstruction, Indicators and Empirical Test.
Jacek BIELINSKI, Institute of Sociology, Collegium Civitas, Poland
Institutional Imbalance and a Marketized Mentality in Europe - a Multilevel Elaboration of Institutional Anomie Theory
Andreas HÖVERMANN, Institute for interdisciplinary Research on Conflict and Violence, University of Bielefeld, Germany; Eva GROSS, LCSR National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia; Steven F. MESSNER, SUNY Albany, NY, USA