Challenging Hegemonies and Emerging Alternatives in Times of Crisis
Challenging Hegemonies and Emerging Alternatives in Times of Crisis
Tuesday, 12 July 2016: 10:45-12:15
Location: Hörsaal 6D P (Neues Institutsgebäude (NIG))
RC26 Sociotechnics, Sociological Practice (host committee) Language: English
Recent social movements in the European South and elsewhere have brought about political regime change (eg. in Greece). Political crisis provoked by extreme exclusionary “austerity” policies which brought about high poverty, youth marginalisation, business collapse, high exit of human capital and a general state incapacity to deal with “social” catastrophy have led to a political change in anticipation to social relief.
Political change however faces a challenge regarding capacity-building issues to enable emergency “social” policy to take place. Political calls for democracy require this sociotechnics of a capacity-building mechanism essentially associated with the issue of “delivery” of services to those “excluded” and in social danger. However there is a tension between the “political” forces and their “social” needs which require pragmatic and sociotechnical administrative capacity and skills to attend to the needs of relief and recovery to lead to reform.
This social delivery for “welfare” service administration requires the establishment of new governance structures to embed a new democratic sociality. This policy change is the focus of our session. We also need to address the issue of local governance partnerships in social economy forms and the standardisation of anti-poverty and inclusionary policies in education, health and entrepreneurship for all.
Session Organizer: