Moving Towards a Decent Work in a Multi-Active Society: Utopia or Reality? Part I

Wednesday, 13 July 2016: 09:00-10:30
Location: Hörsaal 5A G (Neues Institutsgebäude (NIG))
RC30 Sociology of Work (host committee)

Language: English

“Decent work” promoted by the International Labour Organization is not solely a question of having access to employment that is fairly remunerated and coupled with social protection (which is, of course, of primary importance), but also that this employment (and the work it involves) addresses the aspirations of the people doing it, and is not physically, psychologically or socially destructive. 
“Decent work” must ensure personal development, high-quality family engagement and civic participation. In so doing, the concept of decent work draws attention to the need to find balance between work and the other dimensions of personal and social life.
From this perspective, “decent work” can be associated to the idea of a “sustainable work system” in a “multi-active society”, where the status of being “active” would no longer be defined in terms of a restrictive notion of employment, but rather based on a more inclusive vision of work, so including not only paid work but also care work and civil labour, as much for men as for women. A lot of conditions need to be fulfilled for moving towards this scenario. Utopia or reality? 
We invite proposals from scholars which address this issue from different areas of interest (according to empirical and/or theoretical perspectives). For instance: 

  • New patterns of productive work 
  • Work/life balance (or conflict) and change of the work/family regime
  • Community, work and family 
  • The role of economic and industrial policies 
  • Gender, ethnicity and class in the world of work 
  • Vulnerability and working conditions 
  • Lifecourse approach
Session Organizers:
Bernard FUSULIER, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium, Marian BAIRD, University of Sydney Business School, Australia, Diane-Gabrielle TREMBLAY, Teluq, Canada, Pascal BARBIER, Université Paris 1 Sorbonne, France and Hideki NAKAZATO, Konan University, Japan
Right to Request “Decent” Work for Working Caregivers ?
Diane-Gabrielle TREMBLAY, University of Québec - Téluq, Canada
Navigating Career with Young Children: Japanese Women, Family-Life Balance and the Challenges of Professional Advancement
Nobuko HOSOGAYA, Sophia University, Japan; Noriko ARAI, Sophia university, Japan; Akiko OUCHI, Kwansei University, Japan; Asuka TAKEUCHI, Sophia university, Japan
Temporary Agency Work and Mental Health in Europe – Decent Work As a Long-Term Goal
Lena HUNEFELD, Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Germany; Susanne GERSTENBERG, Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Germany
See more of: RC30 Sociology of Work
See more of: Research Committees