Youth and Social Movements In Japan Characteristics Of The Rebellious Youth and Its Mobilization In Japan
However this contribution has been scarily analyzed or has been simply by-passed by some researchers. As a matter of fact, we still know very little about the social mobilization of the Japanese youth.
By analyzing results of our research focusing on members of the « Union of the Youth of Tokyo », a leading organization of the anti-poverty network, I would like to present new findings concerning two dimensions of this mobilization:
1) What are the characteristics of the young people who mobilize (in terms of age, gender, income and socioprofessional class)
2) What are the characteristics of their mobilization (primo-mobilization or not; short term or long term mobilization).
Our findings are based on quantitative and qualitative data: the archive of the SU (630 entries) and in-death, longitudinal interviews of 50 members that started in 2008, during and after their mobilization in the « Union of the Youth ».