Origins of Italian Sociology

Thursday, July 17, 2014: 5:45 PM
Room: Booth 49
Oral Presentation
Roberto CIPRIANI , Os Sciences of Formation, University of Roma 3, Rome, Italy
How come Italian sociology, which contributed to the development of the very first studies of social sciences in Europe, lost ground and did fall behind other national European sociologies? Can a sufficient explanation be that the fascist movement was in power from 1922 to 1945? Or other reasons are at the origin of the impossible continuation of such a scientific approach? Are there subtle links between a quite promising starting phase of studies and the new steps which occurred by the middle of the twentieth century, after the slow down during the period between the two world wars, in the 1920s, ’30s and ’40s? Or shall we say that there was an interruption, a hiatus which separates the first moment, far off now, and a second moment, relatively more recent? Probably the past dynamics and those acting now are much more complex than might apparently seem without a deep investigation.