The Social Construction Of Prices – The Impact Of Culture, Networks and Institutional Rules On Stock Quotations
Taking sociological field theory as a starting point I combine three independent strings of price formation explanations, considering the simultaneous influence and interaction of institutional regulations, network positions and cultural frames. Empirically, I test this field theory of financial markets by comparing the setting of US and German stock prices. First, the historical tradition of financial markets and the longitudinal development of macroeconomic structures are discussed. Secondly, I investigate correlation networks of stock listed companies using social network analysis. I am particularly interested in the shifts occurring in the network ecology after the financial crisis and the subsequent changes in each systems' stability. Finally, the change of stock repurchase laws in Germany in 1998 delivers an 'experimental' setting for different types of rule based information trading before and after the legislation reform. Applying Event Study methods the short- and longterm influence of repurchase plans in the US and Germany is compared.
Different patterns of stock price volatility are revealed, depending on culture, networks and rules. Briefly summarized, stock valuations depend on the cultural understanding of households invest money (market vs. bank based investments), on the network topology of stock markets (centralized vs. decentralized), and on the national peculiarities of firms, that foster (USA) or impede (Germany) the implementation and success of repurchase plans.