Changing Trends In Migration Flows From Mexico To The United States
Other variations of Mexican migration flows have to do with the repatriation to Mexico of huge numbers of irregular or undocumented migrants most of whom were previously residing with their families in the U.S. On another dimension there have also been some changing characteristics in the flows of Central American migrants crossing Mexican territory on their way to the United States. This new trend has been offering a challenge to Mexican authorities with new implications to the legal Mexican political framework.
One objective of this presentation is to offer data and information related to the kind of changes that have taken place lately not only in terms of Mexican migrations to the U.S., but with respect to the different political actions in the U.S. as well as in Mexico with reference to Central American migrants crossing the country and staying in the country.
A second objective is to interpret these new modifications at the light of other general changes especially those concerning the “management” of migration flows by other governments.