Democracy and Education: A Strategic Alliance For The Exercise Of Future Freedom. The Case Of Argentina

Wednesday, July 16, 2014: 4:00 PM
Room: Booth 65
Oral Presentation
Alejandro M. LIBERMAN , Member, Libertad & Progreso Foundation, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Argentina today finds itself in the midst of a crisis, with a weakening democracy and an education system in decline.  Any solution to the country’s current problems must focus on not one or the other of these issues, but on the two together, as inseparable.

The discussion presented here will first focus on the school as a highly planned and compulsory training institution for minors.

Second, social networks and new technologies will be considered inviting a rethink of the inclusion of these non-mainstream tools in the fields of intensive training.

In fact, both the democratic transition and the educational system can be studied from the political point of view as an alliance and strategy for the construction of citizenship where students now have extended power coming out of the classroom and are intertwined with the adult world and "control".

From there, decentralization and participation mechanisms were built in that focused on serving and satisfying the diffuse demands of its citizens.

Thus, the expansion of the democratic base with the introduction of students trained in an irreversible process as is the information era and digital culture has led to a dislocation of representation and alliances.

As such, the discussion here will briefly include how new political consensus, access to education and new social networks have strengthened democratic processes around the world.

In particular, it will be asserted that the new school within and with the democratic context in Argentina comprise a strategic alliance that must be ensured in order to discourage the development of undemocratic contexts conducive to coups or destabilizing conflict.

In the first part, the current situation regarding democracy and education in Argentina will be presented.

Next, an analysis of this situation will be given.

Finally, conclusions and some ideas for future changes will be proposed.