The Spiritual Capital As a Fundamental Element Of Cultural Capital

Wednesday, July 16, 2014: 8:30 AM
Room: Harbor Lounge B
Oral Presentation
Svetlana SHARONOVA , St.Tikhon's Orthodox University, Russia
Cultural capital is usually regarded as a mechanism of influence on personality. Largely contributed to this study Coleman, although Bourdieu introduced the concept of a theoretical understanding of capital varieties. He was interested in the convergence of social, cultural and economic capital. We propose to focus on the cultural capital of both the qualitative characteristics of the state of society. The problem is that in the presence of cultural capital as a funded system of values in the form of works of art and science, society degrades morally. Any cultural capital based on traditional religious values. This does not mean the broadcasting of religious themes in works of art, although it excludes, but rather a philosophical position of artists and researchers, through which the public receives the interpretation of events, their assessment of a certain value-regulatory system of coordinates. This element is the spiritual capital of the company and is a fundamental element of cultural capital. Qualitative state of society, its morality depends on the amount of spiritual capital, which he occupies in the field of cultural capital. A striking example of how the degradation and spiritual revival of capital in society can serve as the processes that took place during the last century.