Mindful Living, Mindful Working? New Understandings of the Role of Work in Post-Growth Society
We investigate the understanding of work held and articulated by members of these new lifestyle groups. We reconstruct the understanding of work using the responses from four narrative interviews, two from representatives of the LOHAS lifestyle and two from the LOVOS, collected in Germany in 2012 and 2013. These four cases are a selection from a larger sample of 21 job-changers who described for us their employment biographies. The central analytical categories of the research are health, sustainability, work-life balance, and simplicity. Our results show that the understanding of work as expressed by these new lifestyle representatives deviate strongly from common understandings of “normal work” or “organizational careers.” The respondents report that it’s very important that their work mirrors their broader values on the dimensions of self-sufficiency, deciding for themselves rather than being driven by outside forces and demands, health-consciousness, and meaningfulness.
Paech, Niko (2012): Befreiung von Überfluss. Auf dem Weg in die Postwachstumsökonomie. München.