Inequalities and the Material Civilization's Epistemology

Monday, July 14, 2014: 2:00 PM
Room: 503
Oral Presentation
Ana Esther CECENA , Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico, Mexico
Due to the growing gap of inequalities caused by the current material civilization and the ecological catastrophe that tends to prevent a long permanence of life on the planet, people all over the world have started thinking about a new kind of material civilization. To think -and to build- a non-competitive but complementary economy and to radically change our relationship with nature, not considering it an object but a subject, are the main axes of this transformation that implies, first of all, an epistemic dislocation.

I propose to examine from this perspective some of the real experiences and their horizons and world visions, posing them the question of inequality and focusing the different kinds of inequalities they could be reproducing or solving.