A Multicultural Perspective on Leisure in the 21rst Century – Tradition and Modernity

Monday, July 14, 2014: 6:30 PM
Room: F206
Oral Presentation
Nitza DAVIDOVITCH , Unit of Academic Devellopment and Assessment, Ariel University of Samaria, Israel, Ariel, Israel
The paper focuses on the perception of leisure in Israel in terms of time, activity, value, and self-realization. Our aim is to explore the changes in the perception of leisure in Israel over the 65 years of the state’s existence; identify the factors that shape the  perception of leisure and styles of leisure in Israel, a young state that has fought for its existence for many years, and whose citizens also experience existential anxiety, and as a state whose cultural foundation combines tradition and modernity, a state whose social fabric includes longstanding new immigrants, minorities, religious and secular individuals. We will explore the leisure culture in Israel and the changes that have occurred in it. This paper may have practical implications for the educational challenge of leisure education that promotes understanding of others, tolerance, and may even pave the road to unity.