Is There a Sociology of the Body Itself in Brazil? CANCELLED

Friday, July 18, 2014: 11:00 AM
Room: Booth 66
Dulce FILGUEIRA DE ALMEIDA , University of Brasilia, Brazil
Thais DE QUEIROZ E SILVA , Physical Education College, University of Brasilia - Brazil, Brasília, Brazil
The sociology of the body can be understood as a fruitful research field, whose goal is to understand human embodiment (Csordas, 2008). By defining three research fields, Le Breton (1992) aimed to instigate reflections on how the phenomenon of embodiment is understood in the context of the social sciences and to build some sort of disciplinary matrix by mentioning many authors who are devoted to the study of the topic within the sociological field. Our work aims to answer whether there is a sociology of the body itself in Brazil by performing a bibliographical study of the period between 2000 and 2012. We used the journals A1, A2, and B1, classified by Qualis/Capes, from the fields of sociology and physical education. The keywords were: body technique; Mauss; and body. A total of 728 articles were found in sociology journals, of which two referred to body techniques, 36 to Mauss, and 690 to body. Of the total, 220 articles were selected (30%). With respect to physical education journals, a total of 1,791 articles were found. Of these, 45 related to body techniques, 46 to Mauss, and 1,700 to body. Of the total, 199 were selected (11%). Considering the range of works for the interpretative analysis, we selected 53 articles that referenced the term 'body technique' coined by Marcel Mauss. We aimed to identify: object of study; theoretical framework used; methodological approach; researcher's academic field; and the field corresponding to the journal. We found that there are scientific publications in Brazil, mostly from the social sciences and physical education, using the terms ‘body technique’, ‘Mauss’, and ‘body’. In addition, we found that there is an important theoretical-methodological effort for establishing a sociology of the body itself.