Digital Use As a Mechanism to Accrue Economic and Symbolic Capital: A Bourdieusian Perspective
The study is based on the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics Annual Social Survey data, collected by means of face-to-face interviews conducted in 2011 among 5,872 interviewees aged 20-65 years old.
Jews were found to have an advantage over Arabs in terms of internet access and capital-enhancing digital uses. Capital-enhancing digital uses were found to be useful for predicting between-group gaps in income level, beyond the impact of classic socio-demographic factors such as education and language proficiency. Moreover, capital-enhancing digital uses were the factor that transformed the gap in social benefits at the workplace between Jews and Arabs from significant to insignificant, after controlling for other socio-demographic and labor market variables. In addition, a positive correlation between capital-enhancing uses and occupational prestige was found. This finding indicates that the investment in digital literacy in the Arab sector in the long run may contribute to narrowing gaps on a national basis in Israeli society. However, digital technology can also serve as a mobility channel for the Arab minority group to attain social and economic equality with the Jewish majority.