Regional Variation of Gender Stratification Among Japanese Lawyers

Wednesday, July 16, 2014: 6:00 PM
Room: Booth 59
Oral Presentation
Mayumi NAKAMURA , Economics, University of Toyama, Toyama, Japan
This presentation focuses on regional variation of gender stratification among Japanese lawyers.  In terms of specializations, Japanese female lawyers seem to be bifurcated in a way.  A large number of Japanese female lawyers engage in family law in solo practice or smaller firms than their male equivalent, while an increasing number of female lawyers work for large scale international law firms, engaging in corporate law.  Such bifurcation is related to regional differences.  For instance, international law firms are only located in metropolitan area, and therefore job opportunities to work for such firms are limited to those who practice in such area.  Moreover, traditional gender values are stronger in non-metropolitan areas, and it may affect and limit specialization for female lawyers.  On the other hand, the relative shortage of lawyers in non-metropolitan areas could lead to better advantages for female lawyers in finding jobs in those areas.  Thus, this presentation sets out to statistically examine regional variation of gender stratification among Japanese lawyers.  The index of gender stratification to be used includes specializations, current firm sizes, positions, and income.  The data to be used is lawyer’s census (Keizai Kiban Chosa) conducted by Japan Federation of Bar Associations in 2010.