Julio Caro Baroja: Cultural Sociologist Avant-La-Lettre

Thursday, July 17, 2014: 10:45 AM
Room: Booth 49
Oral Presentation
Andreas HESS , Sociology, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Juilio Caro Baroja (1914-1995) was a Spanish-Basque social anthropologist and one of the founding fathers of modern Spanish and Basque Anthropology. Despite his lifetime achievements and his recognition as being one of the leading figures in the field - Caro Baroja is the author of two dozen books and numerous articles - internationally speaking, Caro Baroja and his work remain barely known. The lack of international acknowledgement is partly due to non-translation; just a few selected books have made it into other languages. In our presentation we will look at Caro Baroja and his work as that of a forunner to modern cultural sociology.