The Quality of Political Elite and the World Crisis

Monday, July 14, 2014: 8:15 PM
Room: Booth 56
Oral Presentation
Lessya VASILIEVA , Philosophy, docent, Moscow, Russia
The quality of political institutes of society depends from qualities of political leader as a representative of elite or ersatz-elite. The representatives of elite have such mental qualities as sophisticated cognitive intellect, diverse range of behavior and social attitudes and aims allowing them to bring maximum benefit to the society. The ersatz-elite have some common qualities with elite. But its representatives haven’t diverse range of behavior and their ideas of values are mainly targeted at satisfaction of personal interests not regarding public interests. The representatives of elite and ersatz-elite are presented on all levels of social hierarchical pyramid. The quality of political institutes of society depends from qualities of political leader as a representative of elite or ersatz-elite.

Ersatz-elite introduce or develop social mechanisms depriving people of any control over political machinery. It turns out that in political and economic spheres of society deficient motivation and deficient satisfaction of basic needs are displaying through political indifference, social and economic frustration.

The present crisis does not have only economical but mainly social roots and cultural effects. It needs to specify the term Social Rent with new scientific definition. An equivalent formulation may be given in terms of the social parasitizing when given such a status by government. Social rent is a form of uneconomical compulsion. It is necessary that such status must be admitted by productive, market and state forces. The power and economical monopolies are the social factors which are converted into settled rent factors. Institutionalization of social rental relationships destroys economic and social competition.

The main subject of social rentiers is the ersatz-elite. As they develop and become the ruling class, the economic and political systems either arise with seizure of new resources or destroy themselves.