The Isomorphism of Practices and Discourses Between the Corporate Realm and the World of Culture in the Flexible Capitalism

Tuesday, July 15, 2014: 9:30 AM
Room: Booth 43
Oral Presentation
Miqueli MICHETTI , Sociology, Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Culture plays a central role in the "flexible accumulation", but does so as a" resource", as a way of generating economic value. It is in this context that arise notions bringing together seemingly antithetical terms, as "economy of culture" and "creative economy”. The study aims to show that in this new "capitalism of spirit”, the world of culture seems to incorporate both practices and discourses from the new corporate world, which in its turn seems to feed on the cultural sphere. In this increasingly intricate intertwining between economy and culture, it seems to be an isomorphism between the practices of companies of the flexible capitalism and certain agencies of culture. Under the rhetoric of "organizational innovation", these agencies replicate business models such as the networking, horizontal, anti-hierarchical organization, based on crowdsourcing and / or crowdfunding, etc. In these new models of "cultural business", content producers find themselves in precarious conditions. Under the promise of eventually monetize their creative capital, they experience temporary and outsourced contracts. As Max Weber teaches us, each form of capitalism needs a corresponding "spirit", so that will also be a discourse isomorphism between the world of flexible economy and the sphere of culture. The discourses about the non-separation between professional and personal life, between work and leisure that flexible capitalism took from counterculture is easily extended to current artistic and cultural activities because such ideas refer to the historical separation between art and work that founded the very category of "artist" . Through the analysis of similar practices and discourses into the corporate world and in the cultural sphere, the study will show how the precariousness has been rhetorically transformed into flexibility and freedom and how, even under the rhetoric of alternativeness, culture in the flexible economy has contributed to the reproduction of an unequal world.