Ethnic Conflict and Internal Colonialism: Theoretical Reflections for the Indigenous Mobilizations of the 21st Century

Tuesday, July 15, 2014: 4:15 PM
Room: F201
Oral Presentation
Natividad GUTIERREZ CHONG , Universidad Nacional Autonoma, Mexico City, Mexico

Ethnic conflict and internal colonialism: theoretical reflections for the indigenous mobilizations of the 21st century

This paper discusses why ethnic conflict in Latin America is not related to secession or ethno nationalism, rather it is characterized as a renewed political activism of indigenous peoples denouncing violence and threat in a context of defending territories and natural resources. The concept also implies the revision of  "internal colonialism" as a theoretical guideline that inspires intellectual and political projects of ethnic mobilizations. Finally, the paper argues what are the main characteristics of ethnic conflict in Latin America: a) low tendency to rebel against the state, b) low use of violence form indigenous peoples, c) very high use of violence and threat against indigenous peoples and d) widespread social exclusion and racial discrimination.