The Paradox of Managing Diversity. Observations of a Personnel Management Strategy in Mass Media Organizations from a Systems Theoretical Perspective
The project applies Luhmann’s systems theory as main approach for several reasons. In this case (1) as it allows analyses from different observer perspectives, (2) as the functional and structural conditions of society and its organizations and (3) as well the complexity of the issue must be taken into account, and (4) as the distinction between acting and performing becomes apparent in this communication-based theory.
Social changes in direction of (more) equal opportunity and inclusion chances as to cultural diversity have occurred in the studied media organizations. In a previous study one of my findings was that it is reasonable to assume that diversity management is more adequate than other modes of managing issues of cultural background of journalists, such as quota and also a high confidence as to legal regulations.
Among my findings are that diversity management makes a difference due to a recent professionalization of personnel managing in the media companies. Competence-based assessment as a principle generates a prerequisite for journalists with migrant background to achieve equality in opportunity, when e.g. applying for a position or by team building. The study, thus, shows that focusing on the matter of competence and not focusing on person’s cultural background (but being aware of the social matter of disfavour), paradoxically, is likely to be a functioning or even successful path of managing this issue.