The Film Factory

Tuesday, July 15, 2014: 5:45 PM
Room: 315
Oral Presentation
Kristian FEIGELSON , IRCAV/Media and Film studies, Sorbonne University, Paris, France
The film factory 

Kristian Feigelson

(IRCAV/Sorbonne Nouvelle, EHESS)

This communication "The film factory" about globalisation and labor markets   will examine different forms of work organization in film studios.  Drawing on concrete analyses carried out, for the most part, in the Barrandov’s studios in Prague, the paper takes filmic delocalizations as a framework and considers filmmaking processes as well as the organization of the labor market.  Particular attention is given to contractual workers in the French entertainment industry (intermittents) in order to understand the anonymous history of the technicians who craft the cinema and the inequalities process in this field.

This communication (Globalisation et dynamique des marchés du travail) will draw on sociological inquiries on these subjects, published in my book “La fabrique filmique: métiers et professions [The Filmic Factory: Careers and Professions]” Ed Armand Colin, Paris 2011.