Twitter As a New Battelfield: AK Party Vs #Occupygezi
In May-June 2013 there was an “occupy!” movement first in İstanbul, then Ankara. This movement labelled as “#occupygezi”, “#direngezi”, and flourished in whole social media. This social media movement can be considered as the most visible quake in AK Party’s longlasting hegemony. For Party, this movement has been perceived as a “coupdetat”, defined in mainstream media in a paralel context. User generated content produced by the citizens during movement are misinterpreted by the Party elites. Regarding with this perception, the Party strategically labeled social media as “evil media/troublemaker” by using a conspirative discourse against itself. Moreover, the ruling elites of the party guided and organized their supporters to occupy social media for the sake of Party and the Prime Minister Erdoğan. As a consequence, the hegemonic struggle between the party and the “others” (i.e. activists, NGOs, opposition parties, authors, artists, academicians) transmitted in a new environment, in this case Twitter. In this paper we will briefly summarize both the political positions taken among Gezi Movement and the ideological stand point (such as conservative democracy) of AK Party. In order to clarify and analyse this hegemonic struggle, the Twitter usage modalities of Erdoğan and some members of the government will be examined by discourse analysis both during and after Gezi movement.