Building a Global Domestic Workers' Movement: The History, Strategies and Activities of the International Domestic Workers Federation (IDWF)

Tuesday, July 15, 2014: 1:15 PM
Room: 502
Oral Presentation
Elizabeth TANG , International Domestic Workers Network, China

Formally launched in 2009, the International Domestic Workers Network aims to develop an effective global network of domestic workers. In the past campaign for the ILO Convention 189 for domestic workers, the IDWN coordinated and actively supported campaigns and activities of domestic workers at various levels, to enable them to speak for themselves and take leadership. Now that the ILO C189 has been achieved, we need to build a strong organization of domestic workers to ensure that countries around the world ratify the convention and national policies and laws are put in place to deliver real gains to domestic workers on the ground. In October 2013 the IDWF will hold its inaugural congress in Uruguay. In this paper we will discuss the history, strategies and activities aimed at building a strong democratic organization that can effectively protect domestic workers rights and change power relations in society to promote gender equality and human rights.