Empirical Study on China's Audience of Animated Film in 2011 and 2012

Friday, July 18, 2014: 5:45 PM
Room: 303
Oral Presentation
Hardy Yong XIANG , non membership, Beijing, China
Although China’s Animation industry has been developing very much in the past years, there is a shortage of deeply researching on it, especially empirical study. Based on empirical data gathering from a long-range research of Cultural Consumption Program organized by Institute for Cultural Industries at Peking University, analyzing two key factors of variable quantity, marketing and word of mouth, we research China’s audience of animated film and try to discover facts about it. We find that marketing is the weakest competence for China’s Animated Film(CAF), university students is the strategic audience of CAF and middle-aged group with higher education is the target market of CAF.