Digital Citizenship and Equal Access to Democracy

Friday, July 18, 2014: 8:30 AM
Room: 303
Oral Presentation
Luciana Cristina de SOUZA , Propaedeutical Disciplines, Milton Campos Law School, Nova Lima, Brazil
Democracy, as says the German philosopher Stephan Kirste, is a fundamental human right. Every person needs to have space to public manifestation, to get respect even this person belongs a minority group, to participate in political decisions that regulate and define its own life. Without these guarantees it will be unviable develop citizenship in front of majority groups and also State. Albeit this concern there isn’t new, it became urgent when digital technologies expanded theirselves in the world. Safety, recognition, privacy, information, all this subjects, and rights too, turn into the center of debates about social inclusion in a digital world. And to promote people inclusion one must to guarantee individuals equality, what it will be facilitated by legitimate democratic regimes. Two issues have to stay in the spotlight nowadays: how to organize popular participation in Digital Societies and, also, how to empower citizens to ensure their regular and equal participation in the political decisions. Without inclusion policies by governments it will be very difficult do get it. Citizens must to have “access passwords”, as Brazilian social scientist Eugênio Trivinnho, to use digital systems, like specific hardwares, updated softwares, domain specific language of digital media, adapted theirselves to speed web interaction that he  calls “dromocracy”; and others abilities needed in digital times and not ever available to everyone. This type of exclusion, and also discrimination, concentrate power in some hands, what causing democracy imbalance. Solve these issues presented is the only way to people inclusion and it’s a democracy essential condition too.