The National Russian Model of University in the Era of Academic Capitalism

Monday, July 14, 2014: 4:00 PM
Room: 315
Oral Presentation
Svetlana SHARONOVA , St.Tikhon's Orthodox University, Russia
The transformation of the national model of Russian university is under the influence of academic capitalism. The very same academic capitalism born in the depths of the neo-liberal capitalism. The basic principles of the neoliberalization fully implemented within the transformation of national educational systems:

- the creation of conditions of accumulation of capital and power of the economic elite;

- the denial of a nation, and therefore the promotion of the idea of the dangers of government intervention in the economy (in this case is to minimize the interference of the state in education);

- promoting free and stable functioning of the education system is not in general, and of its individual elements (schools, institutes, universities, etc.).

In Russia, and in other countries, this leads to the destruction of national educational systems. Yet Durkheim said that in society there are many cultures of each of them has its own education system. Simmel argued that cultural diversity enriches the world community. However, the implementation of neoliberal policies in the field of education under the slogan of "globalization" ignores the law and seeks to simplify the interaction between the educational systems in order to achieve clarity and transparency of market exchange. Author analyzes the example of Russia are the trends that are happening as a result, of the modernization of the education system that implements neoliberal principles and creating academic capitalism. Virtually all non-liberal utopian promises of the project, in practice, lead to quite the opposite of the expected results.