Judgments about Inequality and Economic Elite Among the Middle Classes: Discontents and Sociology of Critique

Thursday, July 17, 2014: 6:30 PM
Room: 301
Distributed Paper
Oscar MAC-CLURE , Universidad de Los Lagos, Santiago, Chile
Emmanuelle BAROZET , Departamento de Sociología, Universidad de Chile, Chile
This paper will present the preliminary results of a research on the Chilean middle class and its perception of the socioeconomic elite. The global emergence of the middle class (Banerjee & Duflo 2007, Ravallion 2009, Birdsall 2010, Kharas 2011, Franco et al. 2011, Dobbs et al. 2012, Ferreira et al. 2012, López & Ortiz 2012, Oliveira 2012, Chunling 2012) has created a renewed interest towards “new” middle classes in global sociology due to its rapid growth and the socio-political challenges that this poses. How do those who belong to the middle classes in emergent countries feel and think in everyday life about one of the more salient expressions of world inequalities, the socioeconomic elite – i.e. “the 1%”? Does a perception of injustice, discontent or critique emerge towards the elite? How does that happen – or not?
Our team conducted a study using an experimental methodology based on games that replicate similar exercises applied by social scientists through studies in different countries: “unknown persons” and “dictator” games. Starting with a middle-class differentiation through occupation and distinguishing by type of territory where they live and work, the simulation was located in three cities of different sizes in Chile. In each city, six simulation games were conducted with participants from five strata of Chilean middle classes and one from non-qualified manual workers. This method allows the study of feelings and perceptions that arise in simulated situations of social interaction, which could not be observed through surveys or interviews.
We will present the preliminary results, especially subjective elements that nourish and give meaning to middle classes, reproducing or challenging inequalities. The paper will contribute on topics that are relevant to stratification in the context of globalization, such as different discourses in middle classes, their feelings, perceptions of justice/injustice, discontent and critique towards the socioeconomic elite.