Where There Is No Utopia? When Real Viral Social Spacing(s) Performs to Theory

Tuesday, July 15, 2014: 9:30 AM
Room: 315
Oral Presentation
Jelica STEFANOVIC-STAMBUK , International Studies, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
Viral proxemic social spacings of the Occupation (from Occupy Wall Street to Occupy Gezipark and Occupy Brazil) and of Gangam Style lend evidence to the next first cut proposition. It is that sensory experiences of practiced iconic irony (of virility and wealthy living) in voicing out grievances are able to captivate attention to be listened to and joined in at distance for outperforming obstructive actors, actions and actants in human spatial behavior. Configurational comparative analysis of viral proxemic processes from transitions to or initiation of interactions at near and away, and in swaying with initiating interactions real-time emergence of related joint actions of affiliated iconic ironists, not only in vicinity but far afield, and both in geo and vireal (digital) spaces begs explaining. It is possible by collected data to infer whether they are consequential following of reactive politics of hope or stem of proactive trust of belonging to humanity resilient to despair through crowd-sourcing ligatures as being change-maker of global society legitimately enacting locally its constitution and performances.