Emotional Control in the Financial Marketing

Tuesday, July 15, 2014: 10:00 AM
Room: Booth 43
Distributed Paper
Daniel PEREIRA ANDRADE , Funda��o Get�lio Vargas - SP, Sao Paulo, Brazil
In the scope of a major research program about emotional normatization in the contemporary capitalism, I would like to focus on the emotional normatization of the financial investor. By analyzing Behavioral Economics texts about the emotions of the economic man in the financial market, I pretend to show how this bibliography: 1) explains economic crises as consequences of emotional based decision taking, a irrational behavior of the economic subjects responsible for breaking the market equilibrium; 2) normatizes emotions of the investors and offers self control techniques; 3) teaches how to predict and to use the emotional conduct of others investors to obtain economic profits. This bibliography, recognizing the investor as a emotional being, converts emotions in a professional competence that requires previous training to develop human capital. In this way, emotions are regulated and subordinated to a economic logic.