Transnational Volunteering and Immigrant Incorporation: The Case of Moroccans in France

Friday, July 18, 2014: 3:30 PM
Room: 313+314
Oral Presentation
Thomas LACROIX , Geography, CNRS, Migrinter, University of Poitiers, Poitiers, France
This paper analyses the recent evolution of Moroccan organizations in France. The analysis of the Journal official, a registry of all associations created in France, shows a steady decline of hostland oriented organizations such as civic or socio-cultural associations and whose aim is traditionally dedicated to insertion of immigrant communities in France. In parallel, the number of creation of homeland oriented organizations is on the rise and surpassed hostland oriented organizations in 2002. These transnational associations are mostly NGO’s engaged into development and humanitarian activities.

What are the relationships between this reorientation of Moroccan volunteering and integration? Is the growing importance of the transnational referent synonymous with a weakening of the integration dynamics in the host society? The analysis of the INED survey “Trajectoires et Origines” including a sample of 10 000 people and focusing on both immigrant integration and transnational practices shows that it is far from being the case. This reorientation parallels the emergence of a Moroccan middle class in France. This data survey analysis is complemented by a field study that informs the dual embedding “here and there” of immigrant transnational organizations.