Images des latino americains dans la direction de la composante militaire de la MINUSTHA (Mission des Nations Unies pour la Stabilisation en Haiti)

Tuesday, July 15, 2014: 6:00 PM
Room: Booth 50
Oral Presentation
Vogly Nahum PONGNON , Institut des Sciences sociales., Universite de Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil

The United Nations Security Council, through Resolution 1540, adopted in 2004, decided to send a multinational force in an effort to reestablish civil stability in Haiti after the political crisis of the Jean Bertrand Aristide government, which erupted on February 29, 2004. More than eight years since the implementation of the United peacekeeping force, the opinions presented here are of two national sectors of Haitian civil society, namely, educators and farmers, and are investigated in relation to the perceptions each group holds about the presence of military force in Haiti through the United Nations Mission for the Stabilization of Haiti (MINUSTAH). The opinions of the two organized civil society sectors researched, the perception that MINUSTAH could be interpreted as a military occupation characterized by neo-colonialism, a humanitarian mission or a mission to support and  reinforce institutions in the country. In confronting these different thought currents with the historical trajectory of the Haitian people, represented in the time after the foundation of the Nation-State, in 1804, by the antagonism and divergence of viewpoints between the elites and the masses, it is possible to note that the image that the two researched groups have of MINUSTAH result, in the first place, in the way in which each group constructs the idea of the Haitian nation or of the "imagined Haitian nation."