Higher Education: Inequalities and Globalization in Some Emergent Countries Using the Mexican Examples

Friday, July 18, 2014: 6:30 PM
Room: F204
Oral Presentation
Lorenza VILLA LEVER , Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico, Mexico
Higher education: inequalities and globalization in some emergent countries using the Mexican examples.

 This paper refers to the last question suggested in the proposal of the symposium: Since data and methods to investigate inequalities mostly refer to national unities, how to produce quantitative evidences of global inequalities?

I will try to explain the implications of the process of globalization of the national higher education system in Mexico, having as a background the Bologna process as one of the best examples of the intense globalization of national education systems.

The paper has three parts:

  1. The first one focuses in a comparison of the imbalance regarding economic and material resources among students, in order to gain access to higher education in some selected countries, based on international statistics.
  2. The second one is based on an empirical research undertaken in six universities in Mexico City, that are classified by academic characteristics, and by the implications that these have in the process of globalization of knowledge, and will examine the material and symbolic inequalities of the students that obtain their professional degrees.
  3. The third one, will consist on a reflection that, based on empirical national data versus international data, allows the design of some elements of comparison regarding the inequities experienced by the young students that succeed in finishing their degrees, in some selected emergent countries.