Adorno's Style of Clitacal Theory and Sociology as Chimera

Thursday, July 17, 2014: 8:45 PM
Room: 501
Distributed Paper
Heijiro KATAKAMI , Department of Arts, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan
According to T.W.Adorno, this society is full of contradictions, so the concepts of sociology cannot but be flawed and fractured. But he evaluates such a cracked character in sociology affirmatively because it enables sociology to grasp the essence of "non-identifiable" thing. If the concepts of sociology become too static and too systematic, sociology views society as the "identical" object and can't face social contradictions. So Adorno intends to make a new style of sociology for the critical "non-identity" thinking. And his narrative style is formed after art works, especially after avant-garde arts. The purpose of this presentation is to consider Adorno's unique style of critical thinking.
Adorno emphasizes the hybrid character in sociology. He says that sociology has both philosophical and scientific characteristics. From Adorno's view, sociology is a mixture of the European philosophical tradition and the American empirical science. This view is probably derived from his experience of exile. In other respects, Adorno's sociology has hybrid characteristics between opposing things. For example, the study of The Authoritarian Personality used both quantitative researches and qualitative researches. By having multiple elements in it, sociology can comprehend a complex structure of social phenomenon. For Adorno, sociology is a jumble of various academic disciplines or mothods of study. In the lecture, Adorno says that sociology needs Chimerism and Quixotic attempts.
Culture critique is as important work as social critical theory in Adorno's thought, and these two asapects in his works are related. Adorno makes methods of modern art or modern music references for creating his style of thought, for instance, collage, dodecaphony, etc. And art works are regarded ideal model for social relationship because these have multiple elements with reconciliation. In this presentation, I consider relationship between modernity and critique by analyzing Adorno's singular style of critical social thought.