Labor and Populist Politics in Ukraine

Tuesday, July 15, 2014: 9:15 AM
Room: 315
Oral Presentation
Anastasiya RYABCHUK , Sociology, National University Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine
This paper looks at the labor movement in Ukraine by considering two types of workers' power (as defined by Wright): structural, resulting from their position within the economic system; and associational, contingent on the ability to form collective organizations – unions, parties, workers' councils or community organizations. Silver`s observation that the role of workers' associational power is growing in the XXIst century and that therefore perspectives of the labor movement are conditioned on the broader political context, requires us to extend the definition of associational power also the alliances between labor and political movements. This paper discusses consequences of alliances between Ukrainian workers and various political projects since the break-up of the USSR, focusing in particular on the growing support for populist demands of nationalization of key industries and natural resources, voiced in particular by a right-wing populist party "Svoboda" as well as by the Communist party. The paper questions long-term perspectives for the labor movement if populist politics take on a right-wing flavor, and a left-wing populist alternative is lacking. Futhermore, it discusses the role that politically-engaged social scientists can play in evaluating labor movements alliances with various political projects and in strengthening workers' associational power.