The Meaning of Leaning National Language to the “Mobility People”?

Tuesday, July 15, 2014: 8:30 AM
Room: 512
Oral Presentation
Atsuko SANO , Social Design, Rikkyo University, Taito-ku, Tokyo, Japan
I will introduce some of the biography interviews of famine migrations at “integration course”, which are “by the national government” organized. and, quoting a Malaysian methodology, examine their biographies to try to reveal, how they built identities and confront the concept of “national states” in the globalization.

“Integration Course” is a German language class, which was set up by German government since the year of 2005 for the migrants, who are not good at German. Its object is to enable migrants to be integrated easily and participate in Germany.

But is the idea based on too archaic figure of immigration moving only between origin and host country? It is not unusual today that man has Networks among many countries; for example, a woman, who was born in Russia, lives now in Germany and whose daughter is in England. What means for her to learn German? Or those people, whom I define  “mobility people”, who have Networks among plural countries?

According to Shansul, a Malaysian Anthropologist, identity formation takes place within what he would call a “two social reality” context: first, the “authority-defined” social reality, and second the “everyday-defined” social reality. The former is one which is authoritatively defined by people who are part of the dominant power structure and generally with text recorded. Quoting his hypothesis, “Integration Course” is not only a German course but also a means of transmitting German “authority-defined” social reality and could be of creating German identity.

However does it work well as the government intended, especially to the “mobility people”? Based on my research, the biography interviews to the participants of “Integration Course”, I will consider the meaning of “national language” and “national identity” in the globalization era.