A Precariat Charter: From Denizens to Citizens

Monday, July 14, 2014: 11:15 AM
Room: Booth 41
Oral Presentation
Guy STANDING , University of London, United Kingdom
This paper discusses my new book, A Precariat Charter: From Denizens to Citizens (2014), which builds on key arguments from my 2011 book which introduced the Precariat as an emerging mass class, characterized by inequality and insecurity. A Precariat Charter discusses how rights - political, civil, social and economic - have been denied to the Precariat, and the importance of redefining our social contract around notions of associational freedom, agency and the commons. The ecological imperative is also discussed - something that was only hinted at in my 2011 book but has been widely discussed in relation to the Precariat by theorists and activists alike. By taking debates about the Precariat a step further, I further examine the kind of progressive politics that might form the vision of a Good Society in which such inequality, and the instability it produces is reduced.