For a Happy Encounter Between a Researcher and a Participant Living in the Different Contexts of Social Organization of Gender

Friday, July 18, 2014: 9:00 AM
Room: Booth 60
Oral Presentation
Yukie HIRATA , Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, Dokkyo University, Soka-shi, Saitama, Japan
In this paper I discuss how to interpret and represent individual gender biographies in transcultural research settings when a researcher meets with informants who belong to different social and historical contexts. In my experiences regarding gender biographies in transcultural research almost all informants talked about ‘their’ social norms of gender before telling their life histories, although it is very important to understand the conflicts between their biographies and social contexts. Here it is also implied that the nation-state has still a powerful meaning for informants and a researcher, even if a researcher argue 'transnationality' or 'transculturality' of the filed to be examined. In this paper I explore whether a methodological effort can help  make an adequate co-production for both a researcher and an informant in case that they have different cultural and national backgrounds.