Research on Aged Prisoners in Japan

Thursday, July 17, 2014: 9:30 AM
Room: Booth 59
Oral Presentation
Takeshi KOYANAGI , Tokiwa University, Mito, Japan
Research on Aged Prisoners in Japan


Tokiwa University 

1 Situation of the research

In accordance with aged society in Japan, the population of people whose age is more than 65 years has been increasing twofold during in the last two decades. In this context, the number of arrested people aged over 65 years has been increasing by 3.8 times and the population of aged prisoners is also increasing rapidly.

 2 Purpose and sample size of the research

The purpose of this research is to clarify the actual situation of aged prisoners. Almost 450 male and 150 female aged prisoners are investigated focusing on their life style in society, motivation and situation of the current crime, specific feature of criminal life curve, philosophy of life, future plan after release, etc. 

3 Outline of the research

The details will be presented at the session.

Most dominant type of crime is larceny, and then stimulant drug control law violation, and fraud. Half of them were unemployed. 65 % married but 40 % divorced then 60 % did not have any persons who support prisoners when they committed a crime.  53 % have disease. 45 % do not have any place where they can live after they release form prion. Most of them do not have any job after release. Total of 53 % have disease and receive many kinds of medicine.