Towards Emancipatory Ecological Cosmopolitan Commonism Via Positive Ecology in Tasmania, Australia
Towards Emancipatory Ecological Cosmopolitan Commonism Via Positive Ecology in Tasmania, Australia
Saturday, July 19, 2014: 8:30 AM
Room: F202
Oral Presentation
Adopting earth stewardship appears to be the fate of the human species; it is how we adapt to this challenge that will determine our survival and level of thriving. This paper will outline four areas of an approach to the challenge of earth stewardship. The first is to identify the emergence of a capacity for intentional cultural evolution, for which there exists a variety of indicators across the globe. The second is to sketch a theory of negative ecology, based on the process of dominance that has evolved over history, resulting in the failure of successive systems to equitably meet basic human and environmental needs. This has led to ever increasing social and environmental costs, and indicates the need for radical degrowth. The third is to outline a theory of positive ecology to guide progress towards what is tentatively called “emancipatory ecological cosmopolitan commonism (EECC)”, aimed at ending repressive domination. The equitable meeting of needs is given priority, based on “synergistic satisfiers”, with global cooperation the ultimate goal. The fourth area discusses community-based exchange initiatives (CBEI’s) as bottom-up initiatives towards advancing positive ecology in the here and now. Analysis of the potential of some CBEI’s currently underway in Tasmania, Australia to progress towards positive ecology and EECC will comprise the final part of this paper.