Uncertainty As an Asset in Education Policy
In this paper, I take the notion of ‘uncertainty’ to the statistical translations of the education world and the attempts made through these translations to erase uncertainty and ambiguity and provide clear, certain accounts. I explore how complex such operations are, and how the uncertainty and complexity of the world constantly challenge and stymie the attempts to tame it. I support my thesis with several empirical examples from my research on the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and on Australia’s Education Revolution. I explore the dilemmas involved in these attempts to contain uncertainty (including through mathematical devices such as calculating ‘confidence intervals’), and the ways in which the world exceeds these attempts to contain its uncertainty.
Using Callon et al’s (2001) notion of ‘acting in an uncertain world’, in particular their argument with regard to ‘hybrid forums’, I argue in this paper that keeping uncertainties alive can have the beneficial effect of bringing more resources and expertise forward and adding new voices into the discussion. Uncertainty can thus be an asset rather than a problem to be solved.