Contradiction Between Leisure Pursuits and Structures of Inequality
Essentially, structures of inequality or limited resources decide the inequality of leisure consumption. The contradiction between leisure pursuits and structures of inequality is an objective existance. Idealists intend to stress the universality of leisure pursuits or the individual right of leisure , criticize and neglect the positive impacting of the existing of structures of inequality on leisure pursuits. however, the existing of the inequality of leisure consumption is not only facilitating the reasonalble distribution and portfolios of resources to a large extent but also playing a important role in maintaining structures of inequality as well as the vigorous vitality of the social organism actually.
It will be beneficial for us, if we treat positively the contradiction between leisure pursuit and structure of inequality, to treat the matter of leisure consumption correctly and help us deal with many confusion and difficulties in real life, particularly those related to a series of questions of imbalances, such as the imbalances between leisure and individual rights, leisure and social economics, leisure and wealth distribution as well as leisure and spiritual resort etc.